Thank you for visiting this blog and taking an interest in learning more about the fundamentals, mechanics and key elements of baseball with an emphasis on children. The intent of these writings is to provide the interested reader articles, stories and videos related to the developing, young ball player, how to improve their game and make their experience, and yours, memorable and fun for many years.

I welcome your feedback on my posts and hope that I bring a positive influence to your learning experience. I can be contacted at

Monday, January 26, 2015



I am Miss.Elizabeth  and  I am 19 years old orphan  and the daughter of the former president of Cocoa farmers association of Ivory Coast,
Currently I have left the university campus where i was studying Medicine because of threats to my life as my father was a big Financier
to the former outsted President  Laurent Gbagbo who is now in prison in Hague for war crime  offences.

I have a sum of $7.8 Million USD to be  retrieved from a bank which my late father who died during the cvil war of the Ivory Coast presidential elections deposited but registered on my behalf as the only child. I have the documents and I am the next of kin and heir.

I don't,want this fund invested here, please if you can help me kindly email me back for more details.

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.
