Thank you for visiting this blog and taking an interest in learning more about the fundamentals, mechanics and key elements of baseball with an emphasis on children. The intent of these writings is to provide the interested reader articles, stories and videos related to the developing, young ball player, how to improve their game and make their experience, and yours, memorable and fun for many years.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Hitting Drill: One-Handed Hack

The hands work as one unit in hitting with two hands.  But when you break down each hand, they each have a specific purpose.  This drill will allow hitters to learn the role of each hand and how it contributes to a fundamentally sound swing.

Set up the hitter for soft tosses against a fence or in the batting cage.  Lightly toss the ball in front of the hitter.  The hitter takes his stance and positions himself to hit balls directly into the fence or net.  The hitter chokes up on the bat and uses his top hand only.  After a series of balls, switch to the other hand.

Coach's Point:

Learning the individual roles of the top and bottom hands allows hitters to feel what each should contribute.  To hit the ball successfully, the hands must fire the barrel of the bat directly to the ball.

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