Thank you for visiting this blog and taking an interest in learning more about the fundamentals, mechanics and key elements of baseball with an emphasis on children. The intent of these writings is to provide the interested reader articles, stories and videos related to the developing, young ball player, how to improve their game and make their experience, and yours, memorable and fun for many years.

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Sprint Conditioning Routine "Baserunning"

Players form 2 equal lines, facing first base.

Line ‘A’ beginning in the right batters box, and Line ‘B’ about 15′ up and to the right of the first base line.

On my ‘Go’ command, the first runner in each line runs, ‘A’ to first, and ‘B’ through first and on to second. Once the first two runners are on base, my commands become, “Go” or “Back”. On “Go”, the runner on second scores, the runner on first ends up at third, B ends up on second and A on first.

As a runner scores, they go to the rear of the opposite line from where they started that lap. I run this baseball drill for about 15 minutes or more, until I’m satisfied that they’re giving maximum effort. Players caught dogging it are given extra laps around the outfield.

Things to focus on in doing this baseball drill:

  1. Proper rounding of bases, especially first to second;
  2. Reaction time returning to base or breaking for the next;
  3. Speed and endurance.

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